diz week aku tersangat la bosan..super duper bosan dowh!n malas!ehehe..malas nye aku nak upload pic aku gi jalan2 kat iskandar malaysia..adoiyaiii..bozz nape bozz xde meeting mggu ni bozzzz??!bosan bangat duk kat tempat 8am-5pm..ade fail aku nak key in..tinggal satu jilid je..adoii apsal aku xnak buat neh..otak aku asek pk len je..huhu..malam ni adik aku dah balik KB..sedih2..xde dah member bonding2 borak2 kutuk2 lepak2..ehehe..keh nak balik rumah!lapo~~~
29 October 2009
26 October 2009
to urself...
Maybe. ....we were supposed to meet the wrong people
before meeting the right one
so that,
when we finally meet the right person,
we will know how to be
grateful for that gift.
Maybe .....
it is true that we don't know
what we have until we lose it,
but it is also true that
we don't know
what we have been missing
until it arrives.
Maybe . . ...
happiness waits for
all those who cry,
all those who hurt,
all those who have searched, and
all those who have tried,
for only they can appreciate the importance
of all the people who have touched their lives.
May be . .
you should do something nice
for someone every single day,
even if
it is simply to leave them alone.
Maybe . . .
there are moments in life
when you miss someone --
a parent, a spouse, a friend, a child -- so much
that you just want to pick them from
your dreams and hug them for real,
so that once they are around you
appreciate them more.
Maybe …
giving someone all your love
is never an assurance that they will love you back.
Don't expect love in return
just wait for it to grow in their heart
if it doesn't,
be content that it grew in yours.
happiness waits for
all those who cry,
all those who hurt,
all those who have searched, and
all those who have tried,
for only they can appreciate the importance
of all the people who have touched their lives.
May be . .
you should do something nice
for someone every single day,
even if
it is simply to leave them alone.
Maybe . . .
there are moments in life
when you miss someone --
a parent, a spouse, a friend, a child -- so much
that you just want to pick them from
your dreams and hug them for real,
so that once they are around you
appreciate them more.
Maybe …
giving someone all your love
is never an assurance that they will love you back.
Don't expect love in return
just wait for it to grow in their heart
if it doesn't,
be content that it grew in yours.
from myself
23 October 2009
i'm coming home.. :p
pagi2 tak brape nak bute, adik aku dah sampai cni..yeay!
best2 coz dah lame tak jumpe..yeay!
skang ni dia ngah cuti study week..yeay!
dtg cni nak study kat rumah aku..suke2..yeay!
kunun2 peaceful la kt cni..erk...
tapi tapi tapiii..
petang ni kitorg nak balik jb!yeay!
mak tepon semalam..yeay!
bagitau murniamira demam..yeay!erk..salah2..cian2..
dari aritu duk tnye makcik2 nye bile nak balik sampai demam2..
bile aku tepon nak ckp ngn kakak, dia xnak la pulak..
siap pesan kt mak aku suh ckp kt aku y dia demam..
bile suh makan ubatm dan dan tu dia ckp dia tak demam..
ahaha..cian ade..lawak pon ade..wakaka!
tapi donwori kakak!
makngah n makcu balik ptg ni..yeay!!
tak sabooonyeee...
best2 coz dah lame tak jumpe..yeay!
skang ni dia ngah cuti study week..yeay!
dtg cni nak study kat rumah aku..suke2..yeay!
kunun2 peaceful la kt cni..erk...
tapi tapi tapiii..
petang ni kitorg nak balik jb!yeay!
mak tepon semalam..yeay!
bagitau murniamira demam..yeay!erk..salah2..cian2..
dari aritu duk tnye makcik2 nye bile nak balik sampai demam2..
bile aku tepon nak ckp ngn kakak, dia xnak la pulak..
siap pesan kt mak aku suh ckp kt aku y dia demam..
bile suh makan ubatm dan dan tu dia ckp dia tak demam..
ahaha..cian ade..lawak pon ade..wakaka!
tapi donwori kakak!
makngah n makcu balik ptg ni..yeay!!
tak sabooonyeee...

19 October 2009
projek ari minggu
yer..nilah aku projek yang aku dah jalankan..haha..masuk speker blakang tuk miss black..lameee xmekap2kan kete aku..huhu..akhirnye...ari jumaat tu aku serabot ngan prob..tension giler!n tension nye pasal aku gi buat bende alah nih..puas ati aku!!!

cari speaker halfcut carozz takdak..last2 aku amik gak yang nih..padahal aku bley je tunggu barang tu sampai..tapi aku dah xkose..aku dah xbley nak dengar dah..

bley la kan..buat sedap tambah2 bunyi..
16 October 2009
bmkd (o)pen ha(O)z
arini bahagian aku ade buat jamuan hari raye..
tp aku tak sure bley makan banyak ke tak..
tekak aku rase cam nak muntah je..
damn *&%#@~+
keh update later!
tp aku tak sure bley makan banyak ke tak..
tekak aku rase cam nak muntah je..
damn *&%#@~+
keh update later!
12 October 2009
aksi 18sx
ohoo..akibat kepenatan berlari lintang pukang g kl sentral..hambek ko!tgk la murnialia tdo camne..sukesuki je nk menonggeng camtu..aku tau la aku banyak lemak..cam sofa lak ko buat..hampesssssss...

bantal bucuk tak tinggal..g kl sentral pon bawak okeh!!adoiiyaii
bantal bucuk tu adelah same color ngn kaler tshirt dia..perubahan kaler yang sangat ketare..wakaka!

bantal bucuk tu adelah same color ngn kaler tshirt dia..perubahan kaler yang sangat ketare..wakaka!
naik thomas
di pagi hari jumaat yang sempoi..aku telah memenuhi hasrat mak aku nak naik tren..ehehe..tinggal ayah aku je xmerase naik tren..huhu..xpe ayah, nextime ain bawak ayah plak ek! :p
to misskay..sile jeles!!wakakaka(gelak jaat)!!
naik tren jalan2 kl sentral je..coz ptg tu dah nak balik jb..xcukup mase nak jelajah kl..haha..aku tahu abis plak jalan kl !ahaha..
senyuman yang xboleh nak di cover2..melihat atok aku yang sedang jiwe kacau pening memikirkan kemane cucu2 dia nak bawak dia pasni..
anak2 buah aku yang xmakan saman!excited tgk tren benti..n muke takut gile bile erl express lalu ngn laju tahap dewa depan diorang..hahaha..
tecapai gak hasrat mak aku nak nek tren..ehehe..nenek aku yang segan2 harems nk tgk camera..cet!
ofcozz la ade pic aku n anak2 buah aku yang notty..tu tu tgk murniamira..suke sangat ngange beso2..tp klu suh makan xnak ngange beso2 camni pulak..eeee!bley tcekik darah mak ngah nak suh ko makan okeh!
korang men larik2 cam ni rumah korang ekh..adoiii..
to misskay..sile jeles!!wakakaka(gelak jaat)!!
naik tren jalan2 kl sentral je..coz ptg tu dah nak balik jb..xcukup mase nak jelajah kl..haha..aku tahu abis plak jalan kl !ahaha..

sangat puas ati dapat gembirakan hati orang tersayang..
tapi hati aku.................................................
tapi hati aku.................................................
08 October 2009
(o)pen ha(o)z
g open haos rumah yunarlis..
perlu ke update camni..ngeeee~~
xkisah la kan..
janji aku bln ni aku buat entry byk walaupun ntahpape je aku merepek..
makan makan mkan lagik..

perlu ke update camni..ngeeee~~
xkisah la kan..
janji aku bln ni aku buat entry byk walaupun ntahpape je aku merepek..

moi bluv mum wit yunarlis's mum!peramah sunggoh makcik nih..aku dah sangap dia still nak ajak borak..sunggoh hampeh tol aku..huhu.. :p
sawan camera

ni hobi baru beliau..
taken a picca!
muke last tu memang xbley blah!haha..
ade 2ratus pic..tapi sume cam haremsss..
y ni je ok..huhu..
pic2 ni khas tuk tatapan misskay yang jaoh di klate..ngeee~~
xmo sentap2 ea..
06 October 2009
gile ar..
punye la malas yang amat..aku nak update 1 bende pon amik mase sehari..giler malas siot aku nih..ape nak jadikkkk ni aish..isk3..pasni taktau ler bile nak update lagik..huhu..sekian trimas!
yang malas tahap dewadewi,
kenape aku malas giler nak update blog nih..aku rase nak delete je blog nih..huhu..tapi kang sume bende kene block xde tempat lak aku nak merapu..haha..
raye dah separuh bulan, aku baru hegeh2 nak letak pic..haha..tu la diri aku yang sebenar nye kot..malas!haha...(kenape aku bangge bile kate diri sendiri malas!)
raye dah separuh bulan, aku baru hegeh2 nak letak pic..haha..tu la diri aku yang sebenar nye kot..malas!haha...

buruks gile muke memasing2!

ila wit her new hair cut..pas gunting dia nangih!haha..

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