31 December 2009
16 December 2009
aku sedang
gigih membace

kalaulah buku teks skola aku camni, lulus cemerlang aku gamaknye.. ^^


14 December 2009
sedang pening
yer..aku sangat pening skali..n sesekali tu rase tertekan sangat!bodo..'sigh'..anyway another weken wit another same duk golek2 kat rmh tanpe gangguan!huhu..n weken jugak aku giler banyak makan..mcm2 aku makan..almaklumlah gaji dh lame masuk tp sabtu baru ni baru hegeh2 nak gi pasar..n ofcoz tibe2 aku rajin nk masak but only on sunday..haha..pagi2 sarap mi goreng..tengahari ngadap 1 jag air longan dlm tin..abis!malam masak kerang rebus n asam pedas ayam!yer..pastu tdo cam ular sawa..sekian..tapi aku tetap buat keje len..sedang gigih siap kan crosstich masjid yang xsiap dari thn lps!adoi~~~

tapi sedap okeh!
maap tiade daun kesum..lupe nk bli

cokelat coklat
camne lah aku nk diet..

bihun goreng kaler oren!
digoreng time adik aku stay kt rmh aku..huhu
i loike bihun goreng kaler oren..
seeee...asek cite pasal mkn je..
08 December 2009
25 November 2009
lesen P
yeay!arini lastday tempoh lesen P..huhu..
esok dah bley gune lesen full..
huhu..dah tua baru dapat full license..

ohooo..balik kampung kali ni amat menakotkan aku..
siyes rase tak nak balik je..
esok dah bley gune lesen full..
huhu..dah tua baru dapat full license..

ohooo..balik kampung kali ni amat menakotkan aku..
siyes rase tak nak balik je..
11 November 2009
10 November 2009
in progresssss
bile la bende alah ni nak siap..bechentanye aku nak klu jadik arkitek ni memang free kene bambooooo tahap dewa..dah betahun aku peram bende alah nih..cepatlah siap..aku dah nak meroyan tunggu nak diframekan..huhu..

06 November 2009
chanteklah seatbelt u!
semalam was moi 1st time drive in kl okeh!tangan aku tesangat sejook beku xde darah kot!haha..kaki aku pon same nek sejok n mengigil okeh!!!hampess..dah la drive time waktu puncak n ofcoss jammed giler!ingat nk bgambo kenangan kat dpn2 pintu msuk IB idak ler sempat coz sampai IB pon dah kul 730pm..makan2 gitu gini tup2 dah nak kul 830pm..haros la kitorg blah masuk dewan teater tu..kitorg nye seat kt upper circle mean y paling atas..agak gayat if aku pandang ke bawah..ehehe..n jaoh ckit drp pentas..klu nk btl2 jelas tgk, bdn kene kedepan xyh sandar2..huhu..vanida is so pretty..cantik sgt!n the gorgeous hanz isaac..can simply melting moi heart..hahaha..poyo!n during the show kite dilarang same skali ambil pic or video using our camera n hp n y same waktu dengan nye..agak2 nak glemer kne suluh ngan guard n kene halau,silelah berbuat demikian.. :p so dengan kate len pic okeh tgk teater..fairil nak puji belt CJ chantek tapi dia slamber ckp 'chantek seatbelt cik CJ'..ahaha..sgt2 minima kesilapan derang buat..dah buat silap pon derang bley jadik kan 1 of their lawak..y len it was perfect!!n super duper klaka!hahaha..dah la mgu ni aku stat buat sit up..buat tu je dah senak..tambah lagik gelak pecah perut tengok cuci the musical makin saket perot aku.. :)) show derang mmg best sgt2!show started 8.30am finish at 12.15am..arrived moi sweet homey at 1.15am..pagi nih g opit cam blur2 xcukup tdo..huhu..

haroslah fresh..baru sampai beb! :p
sampai2 g cari makan dulu..huhu..lapo~~

bli y student price nye..
seb baik dia xcheck matrix card student..cuak beb!hehe..

nak amik pic show tu tak dibenarkan..amik jelah pic kitorg je..
thumbs up for them..
time ni show dah abis dah sbb tu blh amik pic..
feeling ala2 model plak aku..muahahaha!

cian aku kene lompat2 nak tengok derang.. :((

xlarat aku nak beratur..panjang sangat!
xkose makcik..huhu..
korang ade mase silelah tengok teater nih ekh..ehehe..tak rugi nye..
05 November 2009
cuci the musical
i'm gonna watch this
i'm gonna watch this

huhu..cant wait loh..
hope they can cheer me up..
03 November 2009
moi weken
this is the story of moi weken!! xbley pecaye tu kitorg teman mekhar install magsaver dia kt cheras..kunun2 nk test power ler magsaver tu btl2 ke save minyak..hambikk ko..skali derang test power sampai nek genting!mmg siot ar..ngan xbwk jacket ngan xde shawl ngan xbwk camera n aku pakai suar steng again!mmg buat keje giler..weeehooo~~
moi! ^^
ape kes ntah lately ni asek nk tepek pic sendiri..huhu...
genting!-31/10/09-best best bestttt sesangat!
mini rode ferissss..syokk..sloww sejokk n kabusss..
tiang gem sorento!mmg best giler gem nih..
haros aku return lagik! =p
mmc hp aku dh full so idak ler byk pic aku nk amik..ehehe..
aku lebih mhargai nyawe selepas men gem rollercoster!huhu.. ^^
sesungguhnye weken aku absulotely superb best!haha..nite view tersangatlah chantek okeh!

ape kes ntah lately ni asek nk tepek pic sendiri..huhu...


haros aku return lagik! =p
mmc hp aku dh full so idak ler byk pic aku nk amik..ehehe..
aku lebih mhargai nyawe selepas men gem rollercoster!huhu.. ^^
sesungguhnye weken aku absulotely superb best!haha..nite view tersangatlah chantek okeh!
more picca less storymory
kemalasan nk story pjg..ngeee..
miss kay kene dera ngan murniamira & murinalia..hambikk ko!xaman nak bace paper.. ^^
the other day, we went to kota iskandar..xde pape pon kat sane..saje2 jalan bosan duk rumah..
moi! ^^
lepas jln2 tu kitorg lepak cni..erm xsilap name dia puteri harbor..agaknyelah..huhu
geng2 bas skola yang turut serta dalam rombongan ini.. :p
abg ipo y sedang sebuk menyusun atur bini n anak2 bliau..
ni ler hasil nye..dia mms pic ni..cinonet je akak aku dlm pic nih..hehe..
kami2 yang xreti nk duk rumah!ehehe..
view dea ok2 jelah..marina admiral PD lagik best..
kt lobby
lagik hasil godeh2 abg ipar haremss..

lepas jln2 tu kitorg lepak cni..erm xsilap name dia puteri harbor..agaknyelah..huhu

29 October 2009
diz week aku tersangat la bosan..super duper bosan dowh!n malas!ehehe..malas nye aku nak upload pic aku gi jalan2 kat iskandar malaysia..adoiyaiii..bozz nape bozz xde meeting mggu ni bozzzz??!bosan bangat duk kat tempat 8am-5pm..ade fail aku nak key in..tinggal satu jilid je..adoii apsal aku xnak buat neh..otak aku asek pk len je..huhu..malam ni adik aku dah balik KB..sedih2..xde dah member bonding2 borak2 kutuk2 lepak2..ehehe..keh nak balik rumah!lapo~~~
26 October 2009
to urself...
Maybe. ....we were supposed to meet the wrong people
before meeting the right one
so that,
when we finally meet the right person,
we will know how to be
grateful for that gift.
Maybe .....
it is true that we don't know
what we have until we lose it,
but it is also true that
we don't know
what we have been missing
until it arrives.
Maybe . . ...
happiness waits for
all those who cry,
all those who hurt,
all those who have searched, and
all those who have tried,
for only they can appreciate the importance
of all the people who have touched their lives.
May be . .
you should do something nice
for someone every single day,
even if
it is simply to leave them alone.
Maybe . . .
there are moments in life
when you miss someone --
a parent, a spouse, a friend, a child -- so much
that you just want to pick them from
your dreams and hug them for real,
so that once they are around you
appreciate them more.
Maybe …
giving someone all your love
is never an assurance that they will love you back.
Don't expect love in return
just wait for it to grow in their heart
if it doesn't,
be content that it grew in yours.
happiness waits for
all those who cry,
all those who hurt,
all those who have searched, and
all those who have tried,
for only they can appreciate the importance
of all the people who have touched their lives.
May be . .
you should do something nice
for someone every single day,
even if
it is simply to leave them alone.
Maybe . . .
there are moments in life
when you miss someone --
a parent, a spouse, a friend, a child -- so much
that you just want to pick them from
your dreams and hug them for real,
so that once they are around you
appreciate them more.
Maybe …
giving someone all your love
is never an assurance that they will love you back.
Don't expect love in return
just wait for it to grow in their heart
if it doesn't,
be content that it grew in yours.
from myself
23 October 2009
i'm coming home.. :p
pagi2 tak brape nak bute, adik aku dah sampai cni..yeay!
best2 coz dah lame tak jumpe..yeay!
skang ni dia ngah cuti study week..yeay!
dtg cni nak study kat rumah aku..suke2..yeay!
kunun2 peaceful la kt cni..erk...
tapi tapi tapiii..
petang ni kitorg nak balik jb!yeay!
mak tepon semalam..yeay!
bagitau murniamira demam..yeay!erk..salah2..cian2..
dari aritu duk tnye makcik2 nye bile nak balik sampai demam2..
bile aku tepon nak ckp ngn kakak, dia xnak la pulak..
siap pesan kt mak aku suh ckp kt aku y dia demam..
bile suh makan ubatm dan dan tu dia ckp dia tak demam..
ahaha..cian ade..lawak pon ade..wakaka!
tapi donwori kakak!
makngah n makcu balik ptg ni..yeay!!
tak sabooonyeee...
best2 coz dah lame tak jumpe..yeay!
skang ni dia ngah cuti study week..yeay!
dtg cni nak study kat rumah aku..suke2..yeay!
kunun2 peaceful la kt cni..erk...
tapi tapi tapiii..
petang ni kitorg nak balik jb!yeay!
mak tepon semalam..yeay!
bagitau murniamira demam..yeay!erk..salah2..cian2..
dari aritu duk tnye makcik2 nye bile nak balik sampai demam2..
bile aku tepon nak ckp ngn kakak, dia xnak la pulak..
siap pesan kt mak aku suh ckp kt aku y dia demam..
bile suh makan ubatm dan dan tu dia ckp dia tak demam..
ahaha..cian ade..lawak pon ade..wakaka!
tapi donwori kakak!
makngah n makcu balik ptg ni..yeay!!
tak sabooonyeee...

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